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Breathing Life Pranayama Yoga Techniques

Yogi Coudoux

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

Yogi Coudoux is a world-famous yoga master. An athletic, sixty-two-year-old, he has an absolute command of his body that lets him accomplish incredible postures. In "Breathing Life, the Yogi reveals innovative techniques that will lead to long-term health for anyone, through self-knowledge and the mastery of self. Describing exercises that are simple and accessible to all, regardless of age, sex, or physical condition, he provides a program that will restore confidence, self-esteem, energy, flexibility, and restful sleep while ending problems of anxiety, pain, stress, and anger. Photographs and line drawings illustrate his techniques. At the heart of the author s remarkable program lies his art of breathing. Following teachings handed down from his father, the Yogi has become a foremost interpreter of "PRANAYAMA YOGA", or the art of breathing. The son of a Tibetan yoga teacher, he moved to Paris and opened his own schools of yoga and kung fu at the age of twenty. Over the years, hehas become world-renowned for his exceptional feats: he can squeeze his entire six-foot frame into a 50x43 cm glass cubicle, hold his breath for minutes on end, and even stop his own blood flow. He performs regularly in public, not to shock his audiences, but to heighten awareness of the influence emotions have over our bodies. ...

Yogi Coudoux is a world-famous yoga master. An athletic, sixty-two-year-old, he has an absolute command of his body that lets him accomplish incredible postures. In "Breathing Life, the Yogi reveals innovative techniques that will lead to long-term health for anyone, through self-knowledge and the mastery of self. Describing exercises that are simple and accessible to all, regardless of age, sex, or physical condition, he provides a program that will restore confidence, self-esteem, energy, flexibility, and restful sleep while ending problems of anxiety, pain, stress, and anger. Photographs and line drawings illustrate his techniques. At the heart of the author s remarkable program lies his art of breathing. Following teachings handed down from his father, the Yogi has become a foremost interpreter of "PRANAYAMA YOGA", or the art of breathing. The son of a Tibetan yoga teacher, he moved to Paris and opened his own schools of yoga and kung fu at the age of twenty. Over the years, hehas become world-renowned for his exceptional feats: he can squeeze his entire six-foot frame into a 50x43 cm glass cubicle, hold his breath for minutes on end, and even stop his own blood flow. He performs regularly in public, not to shock his audiences, but to heighten awareness of the influence emotions have over our bodies.


Book Details

ISBN : 9788188452378
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2005
Pages Count : 121 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Breathing Life Pranayama Yoga Techniques
Author Yogi Coudoux
ISBN 9788188452378
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2005
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 121 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags Breathing Life Pranayama Yoga Techniques Yogi Coudoux

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