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Your Daily Mental Vitamin

Garry Kinder

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

Just like your body needs vitamins to keep it healthy so you will be at your best physically, so also, your mind needs nourishment. Your mind needs vitamins in the form of motivation, inspiration and positive thoughts to keep it active, sharp and ready for success. Using quotes from some of the best leaders in the world and going deeper into how to apply this knowledge in your daily life, Garry Kinder encourages you, each day of the year, to push to the front and achieve. The inspirations in this little book can help fortify your immune system against life s number one joy killer: negative thinking. Read a page daily and enjoy optimum mental health! - Ken Blanchard ...

Just like your body needs vitamins to keep it healthy so you will be at your best physically, so also, your mind needs nourishment. Your mind needs vitamins in the form of motivation, inspiration and positive thoughts to keep it active, sharp and ready for success. Using quotes from some of the best leaders in the world and going deeper into how to apply this knowledge in your daily life, Garry Kinder encourages you, each day of the year, to push to the front and achieve. The inspirations in this little book can help fortify your immune system against life s number one joy killer: negative thinking. Read a page daily and enjoy optimum mental health! - Ken Blanchard


Book Details

ISBN : 9789380227375
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2010
Pages Count : 385 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Your Daily Mental Vitamin
Author Garry Kinder
ISBN 9789380227375
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2010
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 385 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags Your Daily Mental Vitamin Garry Kinder

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