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You Talk I Listen

Pratima Shrivastav

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

We, as a society, are holding back our vulnerabilities to maintain the social image of being happy, confident and complete. In this culture of instant gratification and impatient life structures, emotions have become the first casualty. Emotional issues are often overlooked, and sometimes fleetingly addressed. The need of the hour is to find that non-judgemental listener , as you need to vent, and refresh your mind and emotions of all the stress and turmoil, just as one would cleanse one s body of all the dust and grime. HalloHappiness, the brain-child of Pratima Shrivastav, is an online platform that provides its callers with that safe, secure and confidential atmosphere, leading to their holistic and sustained well-being. In You Talk I Listen, Pratima shares several case studies covering diverse issues faced by individuals including loneliness, old age, dysfunctional marriages, sexual abuse, addictions, and more currently, the impact of COVID-19 on the human psyche. is book is an eye-opener to many who shy away from sharing their problems and expressing their emotions and thus suffer in life. It provides guidelines and learnings which can steer individuals to making the right decisions or seeking external help. His Holiness The Dalai Lama says about this book - "In life challenges are to be expected. They provide opportunities to evolve, to grow wiser and more patient. Pratima Shrivastav's book, You Talk, I Listen, skilfully encourages us to be optimistic, be a good listener and to analyse problems with logic and reason"...

We, as a society, are holding back our vulnerabilities to maintain the social image of being happy, confident and complete. In this culture of instant gratification and impatient life structures, emotions have become the first casualty. Emotional issues are often overlooked, and sometimes fleetingly addressed. The need of the hour is to find that non-judgemental listener , as you need to vent, and refresh your mind and emotions of all the stress and turmoil, just as one would cleanse one s body of all the dust and grime. HalloHappiness, the brain-child of Pratima Shrivastav, is an online platform that provides its callers with that safe, secure and confidential atmosphere, leading to their holistic and sustained well-being. In You Talk I Listen, Pratima shares several case studies covering diverse issues faced by individuals including loneliness, old age, dysfunctional marriages, sexual abuse, addictions, and more currently, the impact of COVID-19 on the human psyche. is book is an eye-opener to many who shy away from sharing their problems and expressing their emotions and thus suffer in life. It provides guidelines and learnings which can steer individuals to making the right decisions or seeking external help. His Holiness The Dalai Lama says about this book - "In life challenges are to be expected. They provide opportunities to evolve, to grow wiser and more patient. Pratima Shrivastav's book, You Talk, I Listen, skilfully encourages us to be optimistic, be a good listener and to analyse problems with logic and reason"


Book Details

ISBN : 9789389995565
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2021
Pages Count : 220 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title You Talk I Listen
Author Pratima Shrivastav
ISBN 9789389995565
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2021
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 220 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags You Talk I Listen: Healing Through Conversations Pratima Shrivastav

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