Speak Now...

The One Minute Networker

Bryan Thayer

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  • Publisher

    Embassy Books



About This Book

When you become a One Minute Networker , nothing about your business and your life will ever be the same again. Within the first few pages, you ll realize that this isn t just a book it s an experience! Written in an easy, conversational style, Bryan teaches that networking isn t just something you do; it s something you let happen to you. You ll learn how to create your own opportunities every single day and profit from them. As the author puts it, he likes to present things - quick, easy, and to the point. Bryan Thayer is founder and president of a successful, full-service multi-media company. His networking experience includes building a marketing organization of several thousand sales representatives for an international corporation....

When you become a One Minute Networker , nothing about your business and your life will ever be the same again. Within the first few pages, you ll realize that this isn t just a book it s an experience! Written in an easy, conversational style, Bryan teaches that networking isn t just something you do; it s something you let happen to you. You ll learn how to create your own opportunities every single day and profit from them. As the author puts it, he likes to present things - quick, easy, and to the point. Bryan Thayer is founder and president of a successful, full-service multi-media company. His networking experience includes building a marketing organization of several thousand sales representatives for an international corporation.


Book Details

ISBN : 9788188452675
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2007
Pages Count : 104 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title The One Minute Networker
Author Bryan Thayer
ISBN 9788188452675
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2007
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 104 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags The One Minute Networker Bryan Thayer

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