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Wake Up

Aruna Joshi

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About This Book

The first few hours after you wake up invariably sets the tone for the rest of day. Discover within the pages of this book, some of the best ways to start your day including: Planning techniques: So you achieve everything you want from the day Excercises to start your day: Have the fitness follow through the day Morning meditations: To beat the stress Diet and nutrition: Great breakfast options to stay energised Morning Routines of Successful People: To keep you inspired .. and loads of tips, techniques to have a fantastic day! ABOUT THE AUTHOR Aruna Joshi is an Architect by education, who has always been drawn to writing. She gave up a lucrative architectural practice of 20 years to follow her passion and turned to full time writing. Aruna has spent many years researching her pet subject of wholistic health and personal growth, and has contributed to a number of books on the subject. She now heads the editorial division of a publishing house....

The first few hours after you wake up invariably sets the tone for the rest of day. Discover within the pages of this book, some of the best ways to start your day including: Planning techniques: So you achieve everything you want from the day Excercises to start your day: Have the fitness follow through the day Morning meditations: To beat the stress Diet and nutrition: Great breakfast options to stay energised Morning Routines of Successful People: To keep you inspired .. and loads of tips, techniques to have a fantastic day! ABOUT THE AUTHOR Aruna Joshi is an Architect by education, who has always been drawn to writing. She gave up a lucrative architectural practice of 20 years to follow her passion and turned to full time writing. Aruna has spent many years researching her pet subject of wholistic health and personal growth, and has contributed to a number of books on the subject. She now heads the editorial division of a publishing house.


Book Details

ISBN : 9788193341582
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2017
Pages Count : 134 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Wake Up
Author Aruna Joshi
ISBN 9788193341582
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2017
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 134 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags Wake Up - Morning Rituals Aruna Joshi

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