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Opportunity Knocks

Pat Mesiti

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

Life and success are about two types of people: those who take opportunities and those who don t. Right now, you have the opportunity to read this book or ignore its content. Reading it will help steer you on a course that will benefit you, your family and friends. It may determine the success of a happy and fulfilled life or a disgruntled and despairing one. The opportunity is yours It s there for the taking. Someone once said that many people do with opportunities what children do at the seashore: they get a handful of sand and let it slip through your fingers grain by grain. Don t let this be the story of your life. Let the insights of this brief and often-humorous book take you on a journey of discovery that can open the door to your extraordinary life. ...

Life and success are about two types of people: those who take opportunities and those who don t. Right now, you have the opportunity to read this book or ignore its content. Reading it will help steer you on a course that will benefit you, your family and friends. It may determine the success of a happy and fulfilled life or a disgruntled and despairing one. The opportunity is yours It s there for the taking. Someone once said that many people do with opportunities what children do at the seashore: they get a handful of sand and let it slip through your fingers grain by grain. Don t let this be the story of your life. Let the insights of this brief and often-humorous book take you on a journey of discovery that can open the door to your extraordinary life.


Book Details

ISBN : 9788188452088
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2002
Pages Count : 112 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Opportunity Knocks
Author Pat Mesiti
ISBN 9788188452088
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2002
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 112 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags Opportunity Knocks Pat Mesiti

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