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The Progress Challenge

Dean Lindsay

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  • Publisher

    Embassy Books



About This Book

The Progress Challenge is just that, a challenge - a challenge to progress, a challenge to work and win in this complicated, stress-encouraging, wonderful world of continual, radical change. Meeting The Progress Challenge helps you : 1 Become Business Attraction Magnets. 2 Focus on Inspiring Progress, and Not Apologize for Change. 3 Aim for Progress not Perfection. 4 Go from Stress to Progress. 5 View Time Management as Self Management. Key Selection Point : 1 Topic is of great interest in the corporate world. 2 Covers a range of topics from management to life management and personal effectiveness. 3 Encourage a healthy Work/Life balance. ...

The Progress Challenge is just that, a challenge - a challenge to progress, a challenge to work and win in this complicated, stress-encouraging, wonderful world of continual, radical change. Meeting The Progress Challenge helps you : 1 Become Business Attraction Magnets. 2 Focus on Inspiring Progress, and Not Apologize for Change. 3 Aim for Progress not Perfection. 4 Go from Stress to Progress. 5 View Time Management as Self Management. Key Selection Point : 1 Topic is of great interest in the corporate world. 2 Covers a range of topics from management to life management and personal effectiveness. 3 Encourage a healthy Work/Life balance.


Book Details

ISBN : 9789380227894
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2011
Pages Count : 224 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title The Progress Challenge
Author Dean Lindsay
ISBN 9789380227894
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2011
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 224 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags The Progress Challenge Dean Lindsay

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