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The 5 Secrets Of A Phenomenal Business

Howard Partridge

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

"The ONE and ONLY Reason Your Business Exists (and why it matters).... is to be a VEHICLE to help you achieve your L.I.F.E. Goals! We go into business because we have a dream. We have a dream of working for ourselves having more free time. But then we get sucked into the constant demands of the business. Before too long, we are enslaved by it. - Learn how to STOP Being a SLAVE to Your Business by Transforming it into a Predictable, Pro table, Turnkey Operation. - Learn the 5 vital components of a system, why you re overwhelmed with your business, and how to streamline it so it runs like a well-oiled machine. - Th e '1 Reason Small Businesses Don t Grow - Written by a successful businessman and coach, who is currently running various businesses successfully and coaching successful entrepreneurs. If you want to be a phenomenal success, hang around people like my buddy Howard. He not only knows the way, but shows the way -Dr. John C. Maxwell ABOUT THE AUTHOR Howard Partridge is the exclusive small business coach for the Zig Ziglar Corporation and is the first Certified Zig Ziglar Legacy Trainer in the world. Currently, his organization is coaching small business owners in 52 industries in 7 countries. Howard has studied under some of the best trainers in the world including Zig Ziglar, John Maxwell and Michael Gerber. Howard s first book was No '1 in 3 categories on Amazon.com" ...

"The ONE and ONLY Reason Your Business Exists (and why it matters).... is to be a VEHICLE to help you achieve your L.I.F.E. Goals! We go into business because we have a dream. We have a dream of working for ourselves having more free time. But then we get sucked into the constant demands of the business. Before too long, we are enslaved by it. - Learn how to STOP Being a SLAVE to Your Business by Transforming it into a Predictable, Pro table, Turnkey Operation. - Learn the 5 vital components of a system, why you re overwhelmed with your business, and how to streamline it so it runs like a well-oiled machine. - Th e #1 Reason Small Businesses Don t Grow - Written by a successful businessman and coach, who is currently running various businesses successfully and coaching successful entrepreneurs. If you want to be a phenomenal success, hang around people like my buddy Howard. He not only knows the way, but shows the way -Dr. John C. Maxwell ABOUT THE AUTHOR Howard Partridge is the exclusive small business coach for the Zig Ziglar Corporation and is the first Certified Zig Ziglar Legacy Trainer in the world. Currently, his organization is coaching small business owners in 52 industries in 7 countries. Howard has studied under some of the best trainers in the world including Zig Ziglar, John Maxwell and Michael Gerber. Howard s first book was No #1 in 3 categories on Amazon.com"


Book Details

ISBN : 9789383359639
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2014
Pages Count : 264 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title The 5 Secrets Of A Phenomenal Business
Author Howard Partridge
ISBN 9789383359639
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2014
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 264 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags The 5 Secrets Of A Phenomenal Business Howard Partridge

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