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The Life of The Buddha

Bhikkhu anamoli

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

Get up. Go to work. Report on a few news stories. Here and Walking Beside the Buddha. This unique biography presents the Buddha s revolutionary solution for humanity that leads to the end of ill will, craving and delusion. Though born a prince surrounded by luxuries, Gotama the Buddha was transformed by realizing that no one escapes unhappiness. He spent the remainder of his life discovering, then imparting, the answer to the great question: Is there a way out of the cycle of suffering? Drawn from the oldest written record, the vivid recollections of his attendant Ananda and other disciples bring us into the presence of the awakened one. The Life of the Buddha not only demonstrates how to walk on the path to freedom; it offers profound inspiration and guidance for doing so. ...

Get up. Go to work. Report on a few news stories. Here and Walking Beside the Buddha. This unique biography presents the Buddha s revolutionary solution for humanity that leads to the end of ill will, craving and delusion. Though born a prince surrounded by luxuries, Gotama the Buddha was transformed by realizing that no one escapes unhappiness. He spent the remainder of his life discovering, then imparting, the answer to the great question: Is there a way out of the cycle of suffering? Drawn from the oldest written record, the vivid recollections of his attendant Ananda and other disciples bring us into the presence of the awakened one. The Life of the Buddha not only demonstrates how to walk on the path to freedom; it offers profound inspiration and guidance for doing so.


Book Details

ISBN : 9789392217340
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2022
Pages Count : 400 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title The Life of The Buddha
Author Bhikkhu anamoli
ISBN 9789392217340
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2022
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 400 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags The Life Of The Buddha Bhikkhu anamoli

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