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Gotama The Buddha

A. H Shalunkhe & Dr. Dhananjay Chavan

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

A book not only for every follower of the Buddha around the world but also for every Indian who wants to understand the Buddha. This book is a study with a heart but one where reason is allowed to be free. In any study of the historical Buddha there are two major obstacles to confront. Firstly, there are the systematic prejudices that developed against him through the centuries in his own country. Secondly, some of the fantastic myths associated with him can give pause to a modern man of science. As this book shows, however, these hurdles can be readily surmounted. This is done by responding to the Buddha's famous exhortation to "come and see". Rather than accept the Buddha blindly, the book invites readers to simply open their hearts and minds enough to examine him in a fair manner. Though the author uses the Tipitaka as his primary authority, he does not tie himself to any particular tradition. The Buddha's universal teaching came out of the Indian subcontinent's agrarian culture. He was firmly rooted in this world and not in any heavenly realms. The book takes the reader on a journey into the life and the teachings of this Son of Earth-an extraordinary human being who offered his fellow humans a timeless road map to a happy life. The book also raises questions that will hopefully help to foster healthy dialogue, in the true spirit in which the Buddha wanted others to look at and follow his teaching....

A book not only for every follower of the Buddha around the world but also for every Indian who wants to understand the Buddha. This book is a study with a heart but one where reason is allowed to be free. In any study of the historical Buddha there are two major obstacles to confront. Firstly, there are the systematic prejudices that developed against him through the centuries in his own country. Secondly, some of the fantastic myths associated with him can give pause to a modern man of science. As this book shows, however, these hurdles can be readily surmounted. This is done by responding to the Buddha's famous exhortation to "come and see". Rather than accept the Buddha blindly, the book invites readers to simply open their hearts and minds enough to examine him in a fair manner. Though the author uses the Tipitaka as his primary authority, he does not tie himself to any particular tradition. The Buddha's universal teaching came out of the Indian subcontinent's agrarian culture. He was firmly rooted in this world and not in any heavenly realms. The book takes the reader on a journey into the life and the teachings of this Son of Earth-an extraordinary human being who offered his fellow humans a timeless road map to a happy life. The book also raises questions that will hopefully help to foster healthy dialogue, in the true spirit in which the Buddha wanted others to look at and follow his teaching.


Book Details

ISBN : 9788193341551
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2017
Pages Count : 608 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Gotama The Buddha
Author A. H Shalunkhe & Dr. Dhananjay Chavan
ISBN 9788193341551
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2017
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 608 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags Gotama The Buddha : Son Of Earth A. H Shalunkhe & Dr. Dhananjay Chavan

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