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The 7 Habits on the Go

Sean Covey

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

Make the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People work for you. This compact adaptation of Stephen R. Covey’s all-time international bestseller, offers an efficient, yet in-depth guide to becoming your best self and reaching your goals. Offering time-tested tools on productivity, efficiency and effectiveness, Sean Covey takes you through the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People using introspective questions and powerful quotes from Stephen R. Covey that help you apply these habits on a daily basis, such as: . • Taking Personal Responsibility and having a clear Vision. • Effective Communication and Relationships. • Prioritization and Balance. The secret to improving yourself is not in making drastic changes overnight. It’s in creating mini wins for yourself every day. . This powerful little book will help you make small changes to achieve the big results you desire in every aspect of life. . “If you follow this simple process, I promise that you will see positive changes in your relationships and find a higher level of personal satisfaction in your life.” ―Sean Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens ...

Make the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People work for you. This compact adaptation of Stephen R. Covey’s all-time international bestseller, offers an efficient, yet in-depth guide to becoming your best self and reaching your goals. Offering time-tested tools on productivity, efficiency and effectiveness, Sean Covey takes you through the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People using introspective questions and powerful quotes from Stephen R. Covey that help you apply these habits on a daily basis, such as: . • Taking Personal Responsibility and having a clear Vision. • Effective Communication and Relationships. • Prioritization and Balance. The secret to improving yourself is not in making drastic changes overnight. It’s in creating mini wins for yourself every day. . This powerful little book will help you make small changes to achieve the big results you desire in every aspect of life. . “If you follow this simple process, I promise that you will see positive changes in your relationships and find a higher level of personal satisfaction in your life.” ―Sean Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens


Book Details

ISBN : 9788119726011
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2023
Pages Count : 168 Pages
Edition Language : Manipuri
Book Format : Hardback
Book Title The 7 Habits on the Go
Author Sean Covey
ISBN 9788119726011
Edition Language Manipuri
Book Format Hardback
Year Published 09/08/2023
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 168 Pages
Lession 2011

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