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Optimize Your Life With Cd

Dr. Bernoff Dahl

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

About seven percent of people truly plan their lives, says author Bernhoff A. Dahl, M.D. Optimize Your Life! New Edition WITH INTERACTIVE WORKSHEETS on an CD-ROM, outlines Dr. Dahl s "self-development system" for readers who want to achieve personal and professional goals through written exercises. Using the worksheets in the book (as well as the accompanying CD), readers define their personal values, mission statements, and vision statements for the future. They identify their SWOTs--strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats--then set goals and use the one-page strategic planning sheet to break the goals down into concrete tasks. This powerful book will make you think hard and analyze various aspects of your life IN WRITING with specially designed WORKSHEETS included in the book. You will explore answers to questions such as : Who Am I ? What am I doing now? What do I value ? What are the toxic forces in my life ? What Am I good at ? What are my passions? What do I need to do to clean up my life? Optimize Your Life! Is a self development system that features a program for readers to define, improve and accept themselves, and to apply to their work. ...

About seven percent of people truly plan their lives, says author Bernhoff A. Dahl, M.D. Optimize Your Life! New Edition WITH INTERACTIVE WORKSHEETS on an CD-ROM, outlines Dr. Dahl s "self-development system" for readers who want to achieve personal and professional goals through written exercises. Using the worksheets in the book (as well as the accompanying CD), readers define their personal values, mission statements, and vision statements for the future. They identify their SWOTs--strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats--then set goals and use the one-page strategic planning sheet to break the goals down into concrete tasks. This powerful book will make you think hard and analyze various aspects of your life IN WRITING with specially designed WORKSHEETS included in the book. You will explore answers to questions such as : Who Am I ? What am I doing now? What do I value ? What are the toxic forces in my life ? What Am I good at ? What are my passions? What do I need to do to clean up my life? Optimize Your Life! Is a self development system that features a program for readers to define, improve and accept themselves, and to apply to their work.


Book Details

ISBN : 9788188452620
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2007
Pages Count : 216 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Optimize Your Life With Cd
Author Dr. Bernoff Dahl
ISBN 9788188452620
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2007
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 216 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags Optimize Your Life With Cd Dr. Bernoff Dahl

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