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Natural Painkillers

Dr Yann Rougier & Marie Borrel

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

"From a mild headache to crippling arthritis, pain is part of many people's everyday experience. But there is a natural alternative to pharmaceutical medicine. This book is your indispensable guide to relieving pain the natural way, using a wide variety of methods including breathing and relaxation techniques, diet, yoga, massage, herbal poultices, balms, compresses, teas and rubs. Did you know pineapple has anti-inflammatory properties? And peppermint can relieve a headache? Or that you can alleviate joint pain by massaging specific points on the wrist? Featuring key insights into understanding pain and why we feel it, plus scientifically proven techniques that can help make it go away, this essential handbook is your painkilling arsenal for combating a whole range of common ailments. - A holistic guide to fighting pain the natural way - Avoid the side effects of conventional medication - Relieve backache, joint pain, burns - and much, much more " ...

"From a mild headache to crippling arthritis, pain is part of many people's everyday experience. But there is a natural alternative to pharmaceutical medicine. This book is your indispensable guide to relieving pain the natural way, using a wide variety of methods including breathing and relaxation techniques, diet, yoga, massage, herbal poultices, balms, compresses, teas and rubs. Did you know pineapple has anti-inflammatory properties? And peppermint can relieve a headache? Or that you can alleviate joint pain by massaging specific points on the wrist? Featuring key insights into understanding pain and why we feel it, plus scientifically proven techniques that can help make it go away, this essential handbook is your painkilling arsenal for combating a whole range of common ailments. - A holistic guide to fighting pain the natural way - Avoid the side effects of conventional medication - Relieve backache, joint pain, burns - and much, much more "


Book Details

ISBN : 9789388247306
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2019
Pages Count : 128 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Natural Painkillers
Author Dr Yann Rougier & Marie Borrel
ISBN 9789388247306
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2019
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 128 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags Natural Painkillers Dr Yann Rougier & Marie Borrel

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