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Meditation Manual

P. L. Dhar

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  • Publisher

    Embassy Books



About This Book

Satipatthana Sutta is the most famous discourse of the Buddha where the instructions for meditation have been systematically given. Numerous books have been written on this discourse where these instructions are very sparsely dispersed in the scholarly exposition. Here an attempt has been made to precisely bring out "How to meditate?" in accordance with the instructions given in this discourse....

Satipatthana Sutta is the most famous discourse of the Buddha where the instructions for meditation have been systematically given. Numerous books have been written on this discourse where these instructions are very sparsely dispersed in the scholarly exposition. Here an attempt has been made to precisely bring out "How to meditate?" in accordance with the instructions given in this discourse.


Book Details

ISBN : 9789386450869
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2018
Pages Count : 100 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Meditation Manual
Author P. L. Dhar
ISBN 9789386450869
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2018
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 100 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags Meditation Manual P. L. Dhar

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