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If It Is To Be It'S Up To Me

Thomas B. Smith

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

Are You Taking Total Responsibility For Your Own Success? Everyone who truly succeeds develops the attitude of a winner and becomes a leader: A positive attitude prepares you for success. How positive is yours? Are you excited about what you re doing and where you re going? What s your attitude towards your career or business? How does stress affect your attitude? Total success includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle- a sound mind and body are keys. Do you exercise and eat a balanced diet? Decision, commitment, dedication, conviction, and persistence are essentials traits of a winner and leader. Are you focused on your dream and doing whatever it takes to achieve it? Do you make maximum use of your time? Some say luck has an impact on your ability to lead and succeed. Can that be true? Many say enthusiasm is key. How enthusiastic are you? ...

Are You Taking Total Responsibility For Your Own Success? Everyone who truly succeeds develops the attitude of a winner and becomes a leader: A positive attitude prepares you for success. How positive is yours? Are you excited about what you re doing and where you re going? What s your attitude towards your career or business? How does stress affect your attitude? Total success includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle- a sound mind and body are keys. Do you exercise and eat a balanced diet? Decision, commitment, dedication, conviction, and persistence are essentials traits of a winner and leader. Are you focused on your dream and doing whatever it takes to achieve it? Do you make maximum use of your time? Some say luck has an impact on your ability to lead and succeed. Can that be true? Many say enthusiasm is key. How enthusiastic are you?


Book Details

ISBN : 9788188452125
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2003
Pages Count : 184 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title If It Is To Be It'S Up To Me
Author Thomas B. Smith
ISBN 9788188452125
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2003
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 184 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags If It Is To Be It'S Up To Me Thomas B. Smith

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