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Dr Akshay Batra

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About This Book

Hair : everthing you ever wanted to knowYour Hair is Your most beautiful accessory. It adorns you and protects you. But did you know that the state of your hair is also an indication of your health. A majority of people suffer from various hair related problems right from hair fall and dandruff to more serious issues such as a receding hairline.Find answers to everything you ever wanted to know about your hair, such as:What does my hair say about my health? Is hair loss hereditary?Can it be prevented?What can I do to prevent hair fall?Can shampoos and cosmetics actually arrest hair fall?Is hair loss reversible?When should I seek medical intervention?...

Hair : everthing you ever wanted to knowYour Hair is Your most beautiful accessory. It adorns you and protects you. But did you know that the state of your hair is also an indication of your health. A majority of people suffer from various hair related problems right from hair fall and dandruff to more serious issues such as a receding hairline.Find answers to everything you ever wanted to know about your hair, such as:What does my hair say about my health? Is hair loss hereditary?Can it be prevented?What can I do to prevent hair fall?Can shampoos and cosmetics actually arrest hair fall?Is hair loss reversible?When should I seek medical intervention?


Book Details

ISBN : 9789381860335
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2012
Pages Count : 228 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Hair
Author Dr Akshay Batra
ISBN 9789381860335
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2012
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 228 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags Hair Dr Akshay Batra

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