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Big Things Happen

Don Gabor

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  • Publisher

    Embassy Books



About This Book

This hands-on guide presents an easy-to-follow, five step process that will help you realize your most ambitious personal and professional GOALS. It contains a hands-on guide to know how to make commitments, identify obstacles, and overcome the fear of failure. This book is an action guide. Use this fantastic book to : 1 Commit to goals. 2 Find obstacles & solutions. 3 Overcome fear of failure. 4 Prioritize & organize tasks. 5 Pace yourself & succeed. ABOUT THE AUTHOR : Don Gabor is an interpersonal communication skills trainer, small talk expert, and the author of four books, including the best seller How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends. ...

This hands-on guide presents an easy-to-follow, five step process that will help you realize your most ambitious personal and professional GOALS. It contains a hands-on guide to know how to make commitments, identify obstacles, and overcome the fear of failure. This book is an action guide. Use this fantastic book to : 1 Commit to goals. 2 Find obstacles & solutions. 3 Overcome fear of failure. 4 Prioritize & organize tasks. 5 Pace yourself & succeed. ABOUT THE AUTHOR : Don Gabor is an interpersonal communication skills trainer, small talk expert, and the author of four books, including the best seller How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends.


Book Details

ISBN : 9788188452934
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2008
Pages Count : 286 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Big Things Happen
Author Don Gabor
ISBN 9788188452934
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2008
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 286 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags Big Things Happen Don Gabor

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