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Winning Strategies In Selling

Jack & Garry Kinder

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

The Kinders and Roger Staubach provide you a treasure chest of proven tactics to get instant attention from every prospect, stay in control of the sales process, devise and use a special closing strategy, deal with the toughest person, "the silent buyer," and ways to get more repeat business. You will also discover the 13 Winning Traits of Super Salespeople. Some of the Things You Can Look Forward To: 1 Winning Pre-Approach Strategies. 2 How to Gain Positive Interest in Your Prospect. 3 Presentation That Help the Prospect Buy With Confidence. 4 Strategies for Controlling Objections and Converting Them into Sales. 5 Leading the Prospect to the Buying Decision. 6 Importance of Follow-Through & Handling Complaints. 7 How to Profit from Time Management in Selling. 8 Keeping Up the Vital Self-Image & Expecting to Win. 9 Five Steps to Prosperous Goal Setting and Action Planning. 10 The Thirteen Winning Traits of Super Salesperson....

The Kinders and Roger Staubach provide you a treasure chest of proven tactics to get instant attention from every prospect, stay in control of the sales process, devise and use a special closing strategy, deal with the toughest person, "the silent buyer," and ways to get more repeat business. You will also discover the 13 Winning Traits of Super Salespeople. Some of the Things You Can Look Forward To: 1 Winning Pre-Approach Strategies. 2 How to Gain Positive Interest in Your Prospect. 3 Presentation That Help the Prospect Buy With Confidence. 4 Strategies for Controlling Objections and Converting Them into Sales. 5 Leading the Prospect to the Buying Decision. 6 Importance of Follow-Through & Handling Complaints. 7 How to Profit from Time Management in Selling. 8 Keeping Up the Vital Self-Image & Expecting to Win. 9 Five Steps to Prosperous Goal Setting and Action Planning. 10 The Thirteen Winning Traits of Super Salesperson.


Book Details

ISBN : 9788188452927
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2008
Pages Count : 264 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Winning Strategies In Selling
Author Jack & Garry Kinder
ISBN 9788188452927
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2008
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 264 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags Winning Strategies In Selling Jack & Garry Kinder

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