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Who Are You Really And What Do You Want? (Tamil)

Shad Helmstetter

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

Learn to change your Self-Talk and change your programming. Get rid of old habit patterns and make fresh new positive programs. Set goals in a whole new way - discover a brand new way of writing a complete goal plan in minutes. Take control of your life and have an action plan to follow.Dr Helmstetter shows you how to get the help you need to identify what you really want in life, track your goals, stay on target and stay motivated. This book contains remarkable breakthroughs in the area of personal growth that will give immediate results !...

Learn to change your Self-Talk and change your programming. Get rid of old habit patterns and make fresh new positive programs. Set goals in a whole new way - discover a brand new way of writing a complete goal plan in minutes. Take control of your life and have an action plan to follow.Dr Helmstetter shows you how to get the help you need to identify what you really want in life, track your goals, stay on target and stay motivated. This book contains remarkable breakthroughs in the area of personal growth that will give immediate results !


Book Details

ISBN : 9789383359806
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2014
Pages Count : 212 Pages
Edition Language : Tamil
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Who Are You Really And What Do You Want? (Tamil)
Author Shad Helmstetter
ISBN 9789383359806
Edition Language Tamil
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2014
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 212 Pages
Lession 49011010

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