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The Street Smart Sales Pro

Arthur Rogen

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

If you have to sell a product or a service, you are going to love this book. Evaluate the top producers in any sales force, and what will you find? You ll find salespeople who know how to sell in the real world people who are positive, aggressive, motivated, and savvy; people who are confident and think quickly on their feet; people who know how to get things done; people who are just plain street smart. Were these people born this way? Absolutely not! They learned their skills from doing, asking, and observing. And now, thanks to The Street Smart Sales Pro, these valuable lessons are available to those looking to supercharge their ability to sell. While most books on this subject examine the act of selling from an abstract boilerplate perspective, The Street Smart Sales Pro offers a realistic street smart point of view, focusing on real people in real situations. It covers every aspect of selling, from highlighting the essential qualities that make up the truly triumphant salesperson, to providing hundreds of practical tips, insights, and tactics needed to make that initial contact and successfully close the deal. Although designed for men and women who sell products and services, this book can also benefit those who have to sell themselves in other situations. All you need is to learn how, and you will not find a better teacher than The Street Smart Sales Pro....

If you have to sell a product or a service, you are going to love this book. Evaluate the top producers in any sales force, and what will you find? You ll find salespeople who know how to sell in the real world people who are positive, aggressive, motivated, and savvy; people who are confident and think quickly on their feet; people who know how to get things done; people who are just plain street smart. Were these people born this way? Absolutely not! They learned their skills from doing, asking, and observing. And now, thanks to The Street Smart Sales Pro, these valuable lessons are available to those looking to supercharge their ability to sell. While most books on this subject examine the act of selling from an abstract boilerplate perspective, The Street Smart Sales Pro offers a realistic street smart point of view, focusing on real people in real situations. It covers every aspect of selling, from highlighting the essential qualities that make up the truly triumphant salesperson, to providing hundreds of practical tips, insights, and tactics needed to make that initial contact and successfully close the deal. Although designed for men and women who sell products and services, this book can also benefit those who have to sell themselves in other situations. All you need is to learn how, and you will not find a better teacher than The Street Smart Sales Pro.


Book Details

ISBN : 9789386450302
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2018
Pages Count : 224 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title The Street Smart Sales Pro
Author Arthur Rogen
ISBN 9789386450302
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2018
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 224 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags The Street Smart Sales Pro Arthur Rogen

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