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The Platinum Rule For Small Business Mastery

Finklestein & Tony Alessandra

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

1. Learn the strengths of your natural behavioral style and how to leverage them. 2. Discover common traits shared by effective leaders who have mastered behavioral adaptability. 3. Find valuable information about how your behavioral style can be leveraged to create an effective culture that permeates every facet of your business. 4. Learn how to create discipline within your organization that guarantees predictable results. 5. Learn how to develop a winning attitude that improves every facet of your business. 6. Find out why your natural behavioral style may be impeding your ability to take calculated risks that are necessary to build a winning business. 7. You will learn how to leverage your natural behavioral style within your particular selling environment. ...

1. Learn the strengths of your natural behavioral style and how to leverage them. 2. Discover common traits shared by effective leaders who have mastered behavioral adaptability. 3. Find valuable information about how your behavioral style can be leveraged to create an effective culture that permeates every facet of your business. 4. Learn how to create discipline within your organization that guarantees predictable results. 5. Learn how to develop a winning attitude that improves every facet of your business. 6. Find out why your natural behavioral style may be impeding your ability to take calculated risks that are necessary to build a winning business. 7. You will learn how to leverage your natural behavioral style within your particular selling environment.


Book Details

ISBN : 9788188452880
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2008
Pages Count : 286 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title The Platinum Rule For Small Business Mastery
Author Finklestein & Tony Alessandra
ISBN 9788188452880
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2008
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 286 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags The Platinum Rule For Small Business Mastery Finklestein & Tony Alessandra

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