Speak Now...

The People Skill Handbook(Tamil)

Dave Banks

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  • Publisher

    Embassy Books



About This Book

This handbook captures the essence of people skills. The ability to effectively deal with people gives you an advantage, both socially and professionally. Have you noticed, be it at your workplace or in a social context, that there are some people who can strike up a conversation with just about anybody? These individuals seem to get people to like them instantly, and rather effortlessly so. Those around them seem to be magically drawn to them. What is the secret quality that these people have, which attracts people to them. What are they saying that makes others find them so engaging? What are they doing right? And the million-dollar question can these skills be learnt? The answer is Yes! Thought small in size, this book is big on content. Right from making first impressions to grooming tips and from to conversations to persuasion. Updated for the internet age, the author gives you a number of tips on using social media and technology to expand your influence and make you a master in the art of dealing with people. ...

This handbook captures the essence of people skills. The ability to effectively deal with people gives you an advantage, both socially and professionally. Have you noticed, be it at your workplace or in a social context, that there are some people who can strike up a conversation with just about anybody? These individuals seem to get people to like them instantly, and rather effortlessly so. Those around them seem to be magically drawn to them. What is the secret quality that these people have, which attracts people to them. What are they saying that makes others find them so engaging? What are they doing right? And the million-dollar question can these skills be learnt? The answer is Yes! Thought small in size, this book is big on content. Right from making first impressions to grooming tips and from to conversations to persuasion. Updated for the internet age, the author gives you a number of tips on using social media and technology to expand your influence and make you a master in the art of dealing with people.


Book Details

ISBN : 9789388247276
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2018
Pages Count : 88 Pages
Edition Language : Tamil
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title The People Skill Handbook(Tamil)
Author Dave Banks
ISBN 9789388247276
Edition Language Tamil
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2018
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 88 Pages
Lession 49011010

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