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The Book of Intents

Shilpi J. Chawla

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  • Publisher

    Embassy Books



About This Book

An intent is a clear statement of what you choose to receive from the universe and an acknowledgement of its manifestation in your life. It is a declaration of your creative power. Once an intent is set into motion, it aligns with your higher self and what you experience is nothing short of magic. An intent is not a wish, because wishes don't always come true. Even seemingly impossible tasks can be accomplished when backed by the power of an intent. The purpose of this book is to make available to you, your own powerful ability The power of intention. Why read this book helps you create affirmations for better living get rid of anxiety and worry, manifest your desires engage in positive self talk build your self esteem, confidence and belief unleash the power of your true self....

An intent is a clear statement of what you choose to receive from the universe and an acknowledgement of its manifestation in your life. It is a declaration of your creative power. Once an intent is set into motion, it aligns with your higher self and what you experience is nothing short of magic. An intent is not a wish, because wishes don't always come true. Even seemingly impossible tasks can be accomplished when backed by the power of an intent. The purpose of this book is to make available to you, your own powerful ability The power of intention. Why read this book helps you create affirmations for better living get rid of anxiety and worry, manifest your desires engage in positive self talk build your self esteem, confidence and belief unleash the power of your true self.


Book Details

ISBN : 9789383359394
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2016
Pages Count : 52 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title The Book of Intents
Author Shilpi J. Chawla
ISBN 9789383359394
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2016
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 52 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags The Book Of Intents Shilpi J. Chawla

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