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Soch Se Shikar Tak

Pet Mesiti

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  • Publisher

    Embassy Books



About This Book

Leadership is about People, from beginning to end. Attitudes and Altitudes address the hows of leadership. It deals with vital principles such as leader development, how to network people and how to bring out the best in those around you. In the course of the book, Pat Mesiti speaks about: ? Leadership ? Mentoring ? Passion ? Attitude ? Credibility The book flows with ease and the text is often interspaced with quotations and short bits of wisdom by experts in the field. Leadership is about taking people toward, and eventually arriving at a destination predetermined by you. This book is about building big people through relationships. The wisdom, encouragement and practical teaching contained in this title will help you network and lead people toward prosperity. If your desire is to develop a more productive and effective level of leadership influence, this book is a must!...

Leadership is about People, from beginning to end. Attitudes and Altitudes address the hows of leadership. It deals with vital principles such as leader development, how to network people and how to bring out the best in those around you. In the course of the book, Pat Mesiti speaks about: ? Leadership ? Mentoring ? Passion ? Attitude ? Credibility The book flows with ease and the text is often interspaced with quotations and short bits of wisdom by experts in the field. Leadership is about taking people toward, and eventually arriving at a destination predetermined by you. This book is about building big people through relationships. The wisdom, encouragement and practical teaching contained in this title will help you network and lead people toward prosperity. If your desire is to develop a more productive and effective level of leadership influence, this book is a must!


Book Details

ISBN : 9789381860793
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2002
Pages Count : 130 Pages
Edition Language : Hindi,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Soch Se Shikar Tak
Author Pet Mesiti
ISBN 9789381860793
Edition Language Hindi,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2002
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 130 Pages
Lession 49011010

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