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Soar To The Top (Bangali)

Shawn Anderson

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

Fly Like An Eagle---Spread Your Wings And SOAR to the Top! Shawn has developed a unique program that focuses on four keys that can help your soar to the top. It is based on the acronym SOAR, which stands for--- SEEING, ORGANIZING, ACTING, and REJECTING. Learn how SEEING having a vision or a dream for your life -----is where all success begins. Determine your destination and build your dream to unlock your highest potential. When you start seeing your future, you ll start believing it s possible for you ----- and that vision will drive you forward. Discover how ORGANIZING ---- having plan to achieve your dream ---- is essential. ACTING ---- taking action on your dream ---- is the only way you can make it happen. Once you see your dream and organize a plan to make it come true, you need to act on it. Successful people are always REJECTING failure ----- it s not an option! They don t let anyone or anything stop them, and they don t care what anyone else may think, say or do. They reject negative and go for the positive....

Fly Like An Eagle---Spread Your Wings And SOAR to the Top! Shawn has developed a unique program that focuses on four keys that can help your soar to the top. It is based on the acronym SOAR, which stands for--- SEEING, ORGANIZING, ACTING, and REJECTING. Learn how SEEING having a vision or a dream for your life -----is where all success begins. Determine your destination and build your dream to unlock your highest potential. When you start seeing your future, you ll start believing it s possible for you ----- and that vision will drive you forward. Discover how ORGANIZING ---- having plan to achieve your dream ---- is essential. ACTING ---- taking action on your dream ---- is the only way you can make it happen. Once you see your dream and organize a plan to make it come true, you need to act on it. Successful people are always REJECTING failure ----- it s not an option! They don t let anyone or anything stop them, and they don t care what anyone else may think, say or do. They reject negative and go for the positive.


Book Details

ISBN : 9789381860908
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2003
Pages Count : 144 Pages
Edition Language : Bangali,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Soar To The Top (Bangali)
Author Shawn Anderson
ISBN 9789381860908
Edition Language Bangali,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2003
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 144 Pages
Lession 49011010

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