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Seven Practices Of A Mindful Leader

Marc Lesser

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  • Publisher

    Embassy Books



About This Book

What would your work and your life look like if you knew how to stay focused yet flexible? What would it be like if you get the right things done, and help create a more peaceful world at the same time? Today s leaders are grappling with the pace and complexity of change, the challenge of supporting healthy collaboration and alignment among teams and the resulting stress and burnout. The practice of mindful leadership may be one of the most important competencies in business today if leaders are to move beyond fear, anxiety, nagging self-doubt and the feeling of constant overwhelm. The principles in this book can be applied to leadership at any level, providing readers with the tools they need to shift awareness, enhance communication, build trust, eliminate fear and selfdoubt and minimize unnecessary workplace drama. Embracing any one of the practices in Seven Practices Of A Mindful Leader alone can be lifechanging. When used together, they support a path of well-being, productivity and positive influence. Practicing mindful leadership will allow you to achieve results with more energy, clarity, meaning and connection. Your intentions and actions will be more aligned. You will accomplish more with less effort....

What would your work and your life look like if you knew how to stay focused yet flexible? What would it be like if you get the right things done, and help create a more peaceful world at the same time? Today s leaders are grappling with the pace and complexity of change, the challenge of supporting healthy collaboration and alignment among teams and the resulting stress and burnout. The practice of mindful leadership may be one of the most important competencies in business today if leaders are to move beyond fear, anxiety, nagging self-doubt and the feeling of constant overwhelm. The principles in this book can be applied to leadership at any level, providing readers with the tools they need to shift awareness, enhance communication, build trust, eliminate fear and selfdoubt and minimize unnecessary workplace drama. Embracing any one of the practices in Seven Practices Of A Mindful Leader alone can be lifechanging. When used together, they support a path of well-being, productivity and positive influence. Practicing mindful leadership will allow you to achieve results with more energy, clarity, meaning and connection. Your intentions and actions will be more aligned. You will accomplish more with less effort.


Book Details

ISBN : 9789388247801
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2019
Pages Count : 211 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Seven Practices Of A Mindful Leader
Author Marc Lesser
ISBN 9789388247801
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2019
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 211 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags Seven Practices Of A Mindful Leader:Lessons From Google And Marc Lesser

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