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Safalta Aapki Mutthi Me

Dean Lindsay

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

The Progress Challenge is just that, a challenge - a challenge to progress, a challenge to work and win in this complicated, stress-encouraging, wonderful world of continual, radical change. Meeting The Progress Challenge helps you : 1 Become Business Attraction Magnets. 2 Focus on Inspiring Progress, and Not Apologize for Change. 3 Aim for Progress not Perfection. 4 Go from Stress to Progress. 5 View Time Management as Self Management. Key Selection Point : 1 Topic is of great interest in the corporate world. 2 Covers a range of topics from management to life management and personal effectiveness. 3 Encourage a healthy Work/Life balance....

The Progress Challenge is just that, a challenge - a challenge to progress, a challenge to work and win in this complicated, stress-encouraging, wonderful world of continual, radical change. Meeting The Progress Challenge helps you : 1 Become Business Attraction Magnets. 2 Focus on Inspiring Progress, and Not Apologize for Change. 3 Aim for Progress not Perfection. 4 Go from Stress to Progress. 5 View Time Management as Self Management. Key Selection Point : 1 Topic is of great interest in the corporate world. 2 Covers a range of topics from management to life management and personal effectiveness. 3 Encourage a healthy Work/Life balance.


Book Details

ISBN : 9789383359967
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2011
Pages Count : 224 Pages
Edition Language : Hindi,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Safalta Aapki Mutthi Me
Author Dean Lindsay
ISBN 9789383359967
Edition Language Hindi,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2011
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 224 Pages
Lession 49011010

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