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Safal Jeevan Ke Niyam

Andrew Matthews

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

How Life Works is about why the same things keep happening to you. It is a fun manual on living life, with the wisdom of a manual but without the seriousness. It helps you gure out why bad things happen? why some people are rich while others aren't? why bills come in bunches? And why it all seems to work in a patten. The good news: You are not your patterns and You Can Change Your Patterns. This book shows you the nuts and bolts of life. It looks at your thoughts and how they shape your life. It shows you how to change them to attract good health, prosperity and happiness. With lots of happy cartoons and sketches by the author - Andrew Matthews....

How Life Works is about why the same things keep happening to you. It is a fun manual on living life, with the wisdom of a manual but without the seriousness. It helps you gure out why bad things happen? why some people are rich while others aren't? why bills come in bunches? And why it all seems to work in a patten. The good news: You are not your patterns and You Can Change Your Patterns. This book shows you the nuts and bolts of life. It looks at your thoughts and how they shape your life. It shows you how to change them to attract good health, prosperity and happiness. With lots of happy cartoons and sketches by the author - Andrew Matthews.


Book Details

ISBN : 9789386450029
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2017
Pages Count : 142 Pages
Edition Language : Hindi,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Safal Jeevan Ke Niyam
Author Andrew Matthews
ISBN 9789386450029
Edition Language Hindi,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2017
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 142 Pages
Lession 49011010

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