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Rich Kids

Thomas C. Corley

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  • Publisher

    Embassy Books



About This Book

All of us are endowed with this innate genetic ability to create something out of nothing. There is no limit to our capacity to create, except our imagination and any limiting beliefs that hold us back in life. We were intended to lives of abundance, to be happy and successful. But happiness and success do not just happen. They require the assistance of others. They require mentors. Having a mentor in life is what separates the successful from everyone else. Parents are critical to the success and happiness of children. Rich Kids helps adults become success-mentors, propelling kids to reach their fullest potential in life. This book contains unique, ground-breaking strategies that will open your eyes and transform ordinary grandparents, parents and educators into extraordinary mentors for the next generation....

All of us are endowed with this innate genetic ability to create something out of nothing. There is no limit to our capacity to create, except our imagination and any limiting beliefs that hold us back in life. We were intended to lives of abundance, to be happy and successful. But happiness and success do not just happen. They require the assistance of others. They require mentors. Having a mentor in life is what separates the successful from everyone else. Parents are critical to the success and happiness of children. Rich Kids helps adults become success-mentors, propelling kids to reach their fullest potential in life. This book contains unique, ground-breaking strategies that will open your eyes and transform ordinary grandparents, parents and educators into extraordinary mentors for the next generation.


Book Details

ISBN : 9789388247122
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2020
Pages Count : 198 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Rich Kids
Author Thomas C. Corley
ISBN 9789388247122
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2020
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 198 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags Rich Kids Thomas C. Corley

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