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Queen & King

Nandini Gupta

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

Avanti and Dhairya haven t had perfect lives. She s waited tables, sold newspapers, and cleaned houses to get by, with no parental shield over her. He s worked at a bakery to earn enough money to keep away from his troubled family. When the two meet, they find comfort in each other s company, forgetting that they re trapped in a vicious cycle that society has created for people like them. Then, the two have a baby boy. But what they had hoped would be a beam of light soon turns into the darkest days of their lives. Cracks emerge in their relationship as soon as the realities of their world creep up on them. Avanti has secrets of her own, while Dhairya brews newfound trouble. She s passionate and possessive, while he s adamant and obsessive. When conflicts emerge, the person most affected is their baby. But Avanti won t let Dhairya s changed behaviour jeopardize her child s future. How far will she go to protect her baby? And how much is she willing to lose? ...

Avanti and Dhairya haven t had perfect lives. She s waited tables, sold newspapers, and cleaned houses to get by, with no parental shield over her. He s worked at a bakery to earn enough money to keep away from his troubled family. When the two meet, they find comfort in each other s company, forgetting that they re trapped in a vicious cycle that society has created for people like them. Then, the two have a baby boy. But what they had hoped would be a beam of light soon turns into the darkest days of their lives. Cracks emerge in their relationship as soon as the realities of their world creep up on them. Avanti has secrets of her own, while Dhairya brews newfound trouble. She s passionate and possessive, while he s adamant and obsessive. When conflicts emerge, the person most affected is their baby. But Avanti won t let Dhairya s changed behaviour jeopardize her child s future. How far will she go to protect her baby? And how much is she willing to lose?


Book Details

ISBN : 9789392217463
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2023
Pages Count : 360 Pages
Edition Language : English
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Queen & King
Author Nandini Gupta
ISBN 9789392217463
Edition Language English
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2023
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 360 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags Queen�&�King Nandini Gupta

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