Speak Now...

Practical Mind Reading

William Walker Atkinson

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  • Publisher

    Embassy Books



About This Book

"Master the tips and tricks of mind reading! Do you have a secret wish that you could read people's minds or communicate with people without saying a word? According to author and occultist, William Walker Atkinson, you do not need to have an extrasensory perception to walk through the private impressions of those around you. It is easily possible through raising your awareness with practice and adopting some techniques. Mind Reading is a skill which can be developed over time. It can help you to build up your intuition and understand people in a much better way. Written in a simple and easy to understand way, Practical Mind Reading gives you techniques, practice exercises, experiments and demonstrations to master this art. Through the pages of this book, explore how: - you can improve your awareness of others' concealed emotions - thoughts and images can be transferred from one mind to another without the agency of the recognized organs of sense - you can develop yourself to grow proficient in the practice - to demonstrate this art in front of public "...

"Master the tips and tricks of mind reading! Do you have a secret wish that you could read people's minds or communicate with people without saying a word? According to author and occultist, William Walker Atkinson, you do not need to have an extrasensory perception to walk through the private impressions of those around you. It is easily possible through raising your awareness with practice and adopting some techniques. Mind Reading is a skill which can be developed over time. It can help you to build up your intuition and understand people in a much better way. Written in a simple and easy to understand way, Practical Mind Reading gives you techniques, practice exercises, experiments and demonstrations to master this art. Through the pages of this book, explore how: - you can improve your awareness of others' concealed emotions - thoughts and images can be transferred from one mind to another without the agency of the recognized organs of sense - you can develop yourself to grow proficient in the practice - to demonstrate this art in front of public "


Book Details

ISBN : 9789388247382
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2019
Pages Count : 112 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Practical Mind Reading
Author William Walker Atkinson
ISBN 9789388247382
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2019
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 112 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags Practical Mind Reading William Walker Atkinson

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