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Lok Vyahaar Kushal

Les Giblin

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

This is not your typical how to be the best person book. It s Completely different. It s a reminder course, a step by step program that gets right to the point of how to How to be People Smart and how to increase your skill with People, Thousands who have used this program will tell you that if you have an open mind and desire to get more out of life, the concepts outlined in this workbook will work wonders in many ways. It could be the best chance you will ever get to greatly improve the quality of your life....

This is not your typical how to be the best person book. It s Completely different. It s a reminder course, a step by step program that gets right to the point of how to How to be People Smart and how to increase your skill with People, Thousands who have used this program will tell you that if you have an open mind and desire to get more out of life, the concepts outlined in this workbook will work wonders in many ways. It could be the best chance you will ever get to greatly improve the quality of your life.


Book Details

ISBN : 9789380227436
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2006
Pages Count : 84 Pages
Edition Language : Hindi,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Lok Vyahaar Kushal
Author Les Giblin
ISBN 9789380227436
Edition Language Hindi,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2006
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 84 Pages
Lession 49011010

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