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English Grammar

Sean Williams

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About This Book

The practical English grammar guide for perfect writing. Gone are the days when you worry about embarrassing yourself with pesky misplaced modifiers or dreaded double negatives. Next time you have a nagging grammar question, pick up this practical guide and write with clarity and confidence. English Grammar spares you the lessons and cuts right to the answers. Designed for fast reference, this book makes it easy to avoid the most cringe-worthy mistakes in the English language and maybe even make your grade school grammar teacher proud. Inside English Grammar: English Grammar goofs Avoid falling into the most common traps with guidelines for incomplete sentences, possessive pronouns with gerunds, dangling modifiers and more. Word mix-ups Learn the difference between common word misuses like sex vs. gender, its and it s, whose and who s, the list goes on Write with style Make a good (and grammatically correct) impression with every sentence you pen using these easy writing hacks and suggestions. Everyone makes mistakes but with this English grammar guide you ll make a lot fewer of them. Period....

The practical English grammar guide for perfect writing. Gone are the days when you worry about embarrassing yourself with pesky misplaced modifiers or dreaded double negatives. Next time you have a nagging grammar question, pick up this practical guide and write with clarity and confidence. English Grammar spares you the lessons and cuts right to the answers. Designed for fast reference, this book makes it easy to avoid the most cringe-worthy mistakes in the English language and maybe even make your grade school grammar teacher proud. Inside English Grammar: English Grammar goofs Avoid falling into the most common traps with guidelines for incomplete sentences, possessive pronouns with gerunds, dangling modifiers and more. Word mix-ups Learn the difference between common word misuses like sex vs. gender, its and it s, whose and who s, the list goes on Write with style Make a good (and grammatically correct) impression with every sentence you pen using these easy writing hacks and suggestions. Everyone makes mistakes but with this English grammar guide you ll make a lot fewer of them. Period.


Book Details

ISBN : 9789392217111
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2022
Pages Count : 184 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title English Grammar
Author Sean Williams
ISBN 9789392217111
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2022
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 184 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags English Grammar Sean Williams

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