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Diets Don'T Work

Dr. Ross Walker

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

There have never been more diets on offer, yet as a population we re getting fatter each year. All too many of us have shared the same dieting experience, where we initially lose weight for a couple of months only to plateau and then start piling the weight back on again. What s going wrong? And if diets don t work, what is the solution? Dr Ross Walker, one of Australia s best-known cardiologists has distilled his 25 years of experience practising cardiology into this vital program for eating and living naturally. The results will see you lose weight, feel healthier, be more energetic and live longer. ...

There have never been more diets on offer, yet as a population we re getting fatter each year. All too many of us have shared the same dieting experience, where we initially lose weight for a couple of months only to plateau and then start piling the weight back on again. What s going wrong? And if diets don t work, what is the solution? Dr Ross Walker, one of Australia s best-known cardiologists has distilled his 25 years of experience practising cardiology into this vital program for eating and living naturally. The results will see you lose weight, feel healthier, be more energetic and live longer.


Book Details

ISBN : 9788188452774
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2007
Pages Count : 234 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Diets Don'T Work
Author Dr. Ross Walker
ISBN 9788188452774
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2007
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 234 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags Diets Don'T Work Dr. Ross Walker

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