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Bank 4.0

Brett King

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  • Publisher

    Embassy Books



About This Book

"The future of banking is already here. Are you prepared? Bank 4.0 explores the radical transformation already taking place in banking, and follows it to its logical conclusion. What will banking look like in 30 years? 50 years? The world s best banks are responding to this transformation; regulators are rethinking friction, licensing and regulation; FinTech start-ups are redefining what it means to bank today. Banks are being forced to develop new capabilities, new jobs and new skills and it s a whole new world. The future of banking is not about new value stores, payment and credit utility it s embedded in voice-based smart assistants like Alexa and Siri, available 24/7 to pay, book, transact or enquire. Bank 4.0 means that either your bank is embedded in your world, or it isn t. The final volume in the Bank series, this book explores the future of banks amidst the evolution of technology and highlights the beginnings of this revolution already at work." ...

"The future of banking is already here. Are you prepared? Bank 4.0 explores the radical transformation already taking place in banking, and follows it to its logical conclusion. What will banking look like in 30 years? 50 years? The world s best banks are responding to this transformation; regulators are rethinking friction, licensing and regulation; FinTech start-ups are redefining what it means to bank today. Banks are being forced to develop new capabilities, new jobs and new skills and it s a whole new world. The future of banking is not about new value stores, payment and credit utility it s embedded in voice-based smart assistants like Alexa and Siri, available 24/7 to pay, book, transact or enquire. Bank 4.0 means that either your bank is embedded in your world, or it isn t. The final volume in the Bank series, this book explores the future of banks amidst the evolution of technology and highlights the beginnings of this revolution already at work."


Book Details

ISBN : 9788194418139
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2020
Pages Count : 344 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Bank 4.0
Author Brett King
ISBN 9788194418139
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2020
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 344 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags Bank 4.0 : Banking Everywhere Never At Bank(Paperback) Brett King

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