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Ask Yourself Questions & Change Your Life (Tamil)

Arlene Harder

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  • Publisher

    Embassy Books



About This Book

Dedicated to helping readers move towards their goals, this motivational guide shows how to ask direct questions to uncover strengths and draw upon past successes. The book describes the process of change as a journey that begins in the Land of Wish-and-Want. This is where we live until we are pushed, pulled or prodded by pain to move beyond our comfort zone. Initially hoping our problems will go away, we eventually decide to answer the call to action and often seek experts to tell us what to do. A more direct approach is to discover our own path for how to proceed. We can do this by asking ourselves questions that help us uncover our strengths, draw upon past success, and choose a doable goal toward which we can move. Eventually we have the answers we need to pass through a gate to change that leads to the Land of Will-Do. Clear and insightful, these questions and exercises pave the path for self-improvement. Finalist in the Self Help category of the 2008 Next Generation Indie Book Award ...

Dedicated to helping readers move towards their goals, this motivational guide shows how to ask direct questions to uncover strengths and draw upon past successes. The book describes the process of change as a journey that begins in the Land of Wish-and-Want. This is where we live until we are pushed, pulled or prodded by pain to move beyond our comfort zone. Initially hoping our problems will go away, we eventually decide to answer the call to action and often seek experts to tell us what to do. A more direct approach is to discover our own path for how to proceed. We can do this by asking ourselves questions that help us uncover our strengths, draw upon past success, and choose a doable goal toward which we can move. Eventually we have the answers we need to pass through a gate to change that leads to the Land of Will-Do. Clear and insightful, these questions and exercises pave the path for self-improvement. Finalist in the Self Help category of the 2008 Next Generation Indie Book Award


Book Details

ISBN : 9789381860427
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2008
Pages Count : 170 Pages
Edition Language : Tamil
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title Ask Yourself Questions & Change Your Life (Tamil)
Author Arlene Harder
ISBN 9789381860427
Edition Language Tamil
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2008
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 170 Pages
Lession 49011010

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