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8 Attributes Of Great Achievers (Tamil)

Cameron C. Taylor

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

8 Attributes of Great Achivers is filled with inspiring stories from the lives of great achievers past and present including Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, The Wright Brothers, Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Walt Disney, Warren Buffet, and others. An easy to read title with interesting stories showing each of the 8 attributes through the lives of popular leaders who exhibited them. Leaders show attributes such as 1 Responsiblity 2 Creativity 3 Independence 4 Humility 5 Honesty 6 Optimism 7 Vision 8 Persistence Key Selling Points : 1 The title covers leadership ans success traits of great achievers such as Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincon, Walt Disney, Winston Churchill, Sam Walton, Warren Buffet, etc. 2 The book draws upon qualities from these great lives that we can duplicate in our own lives to achieve greatness....

8 Attributes of Great Achivers is filled with inspiring stories from the lives of great achievers past and present including Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, The Wright Brothers, Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Walt Disney, Warren Buffet, and others. An easy to read title with interesting stories showing each of the 8 attributes through the lives of popular leaders who exhibited them. Leaders show attributes such as 1 Responsiblity 2 Creativity 3 Independence 4 Humility 5 Honesty 6 Optimism 7 Vision 8 Persistence Key Selling Points : 1 The title covers leadership ans success traits of great achievers such as Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincon, Walt Disney, Winston Churchill, Sam Walton, Warren Buffet, etc. 2 The book draws upon qualities from these great lives that we can duplicate in our own lives to achieve greatness.


Book Details

ISBN : 9789383359271
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2010
Pages Count : 160 Pages
Edition Language : Tamil
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title 8 Attributes Of Great Achievers (Tamil)
Author Cameron C. Taylor
ISBN 9789383359271
Edition Language Tamil
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2010
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 160 Pages
Lession 49011010

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