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5 Leadership Ke Stamb

Paul J. Meyer & Randy Slechta

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    Embassy Books



About This Book

The leadership gap represents a shortage of leaders and managers who successfully integrate their lives with their work. Most professionals want to do a better job, and those who lead and manage them usually want to help. But leaders havent always had adequate tools for making a difference. The 5 Pillars of Leadership is designed to change all of that. Leadership specialists Paul J. Meyer and Randy Slechta know how to empower team members to grow and improve their efforts. They also show leaders and managers how to become better human beings along the way. The 5 Pillars of Leadership is designed to fully develop the vast, untapped potential inside you and those you lead. This is a great book for those who wish to turn uncertainties to opportunities....

The leadership gap represents a shortage of leaders and managers who successfully integrate their lives with their work. Most professionals want to do a better job, and those who lead and manage them usually want to help. But leaders havent always had adequate tools for making a difference. The 5 Pillars of Leadership is designed to change all of that. Leadership specialists Paul J. Meyer and Randy Slechta know how to empower team members to grow and improve their efforts. They also show leaders and managers how to become better human beings along the way. The 5 Pillars of Leadership is designed to fully develop the vast, untapped potential inside you and those you lead. This is a great book for those who wish to turn uncertainties to opportunities.


Book Details

ISBN : 9789383359226
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2014
Pages Count : 174 Pages
Edition Language : Hindi,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title 5 Leadership Ke Stamb
Author Paul J. Meyer & Randy Slechta
ISBN 9789383359226
Edition Language Hindi,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2014
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 174 Pages
Lession 49011010

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