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100 Great Innovation Ideas

Howard Wright

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  • Publisher

    Embassy Books



About This Book

"Companies that fail to innovate will eventually disappear from the face of the earth. The era of focusing on incrementing sales has passed. The buzz word now is, Disrupt yourself or be disrupted! Innovation has become critical in today s highly volatile business environment. The 100 great innovation ideas in this book will make you an idea factory, giving you the power to transform your workplace. The author doesn t stop at just giving you these ideas but also arms you with suggestions on how you can execute them in your own life or organization. The secret to successful innovation is to remain curious, stay positive and retain your enthusiasm. The ideas in this book will give you the ability to do just that. " ...

"Companies that fail to innovate will eventually disappear from the face of the earth. The era of focusing on incrementing sales has passed. The buzz word now is, Disrupt yourself or be disrupted! Innovation has become critical in today s highly volatile business environment. The 100 great innovation ideas in this book will make you an idea factory, giving you the power to transform your workplace. The author doesn t stop at just giving you these ideas but also arms you with suggestions on how you can execute them in your own life or organization. The secret to successful innovation is to remain curious, stay positive and retain your enthusiasm. The ideas in this book will give you the ability to do just that. "


Book Details

ISBN : 9789388247573
Publisher : Embassy Books
Year Published : 2019
Pages Count : 276 Pages
Edition Language : English,
Book Format : Paperback
Book Title 100 Great Innovation Ideas
Author Howard Wright
ISBN 9789388247573
Edition Language English,
Book Format Paperback
Year Published 2019
Publisher Embassy Books
Pages 276 Pages
Lession 49011010
Tags 100 Great Innovation Ideas:From Leading Companies Around The Howard Wright

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